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Applied after oxidation removal, by our Cleanser-Conditioners or ELIXIR™, the product not only provides SB catalyst™, but also seals excess gelcoat porosity that can "soak up" MIRROR HARD™ leaving dull areas. Just apply and rub-out to dryness.
Used alone it replaces all "clean & shine" products such as Armorall® or TopCoat® for maintaining the appearance of new paintwork, chrome, gelcoat metal, clear plastics, even glass - more cost effective too! Use with the microfiber cloths supplied.
There is no other product in world that has these properties:
After applying a coat of MIRROR HARD Superglaze™ , allow at least 10-20 min to commence curing (depends on ambient temperature), then repeatedly spritz with SlickSeal™ and gently wipe with microfiber cloth. If necessary, allow a little more time for the resins to cure. When the MIRROR HARD™ coating is thoroughly cured (2-24 hours depending on ambient temperature and sunshine) use more SlickSeal™, buffing to a slick shiny surface. If a second coat of MIRROR HARD™ is to be applied directly after the first, SB Catalyst™ may be used over the first coat, to minimise build up of "oiliness" on the final finish. SLICKSEAL™ even removes contaminated surface residue several weeks after application of a coating of MIRROR HAD Superglaze™.
Periodically (every few weeks after wash-downs), SlickSeal™ is used to clean and touch up the surface shine. It can also minimize "black streaks" or other stains due to run off. The water-beading protection of MIRROR HARD™ lasts 3 years, but this way undiminished shine can be maintained between annual or biennial reapplication coats.
It is a uniquely effective adjunct to MIRROR HARD Superglaze™ and ELIXIR™ Products, because:
It incorporates our secret SB Catalyst™ formula that accelerates curing of the resins in the MIRROR HARD™ (or SIMPLY BRILLIANT™). Note: To avoid slipperiness, do not use on underfoot surfaces but use out SB Catalyst instead