ISLAND GIRL Pink™ can be used with water dilution to provide many gallons of variable strength general purpose "soap". Use 1 in 1000 water dilution (approximately 3 squirts of cleaners per 2 gallons of water) as a starting point that is sufficiently diluted to preserve a waxed surfaces. Another (less controllable) approach that can be used to remove gecko, bird or spider droppings is to wet the surface with water and then apply ISLAND GIRL Pink™ as necessary, while agitating with a stiff brush, increasing the concentration of cleanser until optimal. For smooth gelcoat or non-skid surfaces, use with little or no dilution for removing bottom-paint dust ("grays") and other stubborn stains. Then reseal the surface using the appropriate product.
ISLAND GIRL Pink™ may be used sparingly with copious water rinsing to clean bilges or marine/RV toilets without damage to pumps or valves. In marine toilets, reapply lubricant (e.g. olive oil) as required.
The movie at right illustrates how to use IG Pink™ cleanser on bilges (add to flowing water) and marine toilet. In both cases follow by copious water rinsing.
As a bonus, this movie also shows use of IG Pink™ in cleaning cloth and leather upholstery.
The movie below illustrates how to use ISLAND GIRL Pink™ diluted in water and used as a universal car/boat wash. It can similarly be used as a heavy duty cleanser to remove gecko,bird and spider droppings - just adjust the amount of IG Pink™ that is used.
After rinsing with water, car surfaces should be toweled dry to remove water spots. The painted surface of this car then received a coat of MIRROR HARD Superglaze™ to make it even easier to keep clean (much less adhesion by bird droppings).