Our procedures work best on a warm day in bright sunlight. Place items to be cleaned on a clean surface that cannot be attacked by our Cleansers, e.g. on clean dry concrete dock or on several thicknesses of white (unprinted) paper towel. Do NOT place on printed plastic bags, newspaper, creosoted wood etc. which may stain the items to be cleaned, while they are being cleaned.
SEA GLOW™ has the remarkable ability to restore fenders, vents and lifelines to almost new snowy white appearance that remains, as long as these items receive exposure to daylight on an almost daily basis. This is obviously not a problem for a boat moored outside. SILKENSEAL™ is used to seal the surface against stains and return of gumminess. The same products can protect against deterioration of new items.
Preservation of Newer items:
Wipe over with a little SEA GLOW™ applied on paper towel. [The vinyl will become impregnated with preservative conditioner and the fluorescent/blue additives in this product will keep the plastic looking snowy white, while also keeping it supple and preventing growth of mildew].
Towel dry and then seal the surface with SILKENSEAL™ that will seal the surface against early return of gumminess. An additional outer coating of MIRROR HARD Superglaze™ will be even more effective in preventing gumminess, but is only necessary or desirable on tops of fenders and cowl vents, lifelines.
Restoration of Older items: (see explanation on HOW OUR PRODUCTS WORK . Also the movies above):
Extensive surface mildew may be present (as in Florida). First remove it with bleach, then rinse with water and towel dry to remove all traces of bleach. Then use SEA GLOW™ to restore and whiten the items and SILKENSEAL™ to seal the surface against stains, also return of gumminess and mildew.
Removal of plastic breakdown products is done with SEA GLOW™. Coat the surface with the product and allow to soak for a while (necessary soaking time is greatly decreased in warm sunlight ). Use a 3M Synthetic Steel Wool scuff pad (grey, "000" very fine grade) to penetrate any crust of brown scale. Underneath, there is often yellow oxidation. The gum and scale will dissolve in SEA GLOW™ and is removed by white paper towel soaked in more of the product.
More strenuous scuffing (even scraping) will be required to removed thick yellow/brown surface oxidation that has been softened by soaking in SEA GLOW™ . There will be some stickiness due to dissolved gum and partially broken down vinyl. When repetition of these steps shows the paper towel coming up clean and without appreciable stickiness, then the cleaning process has been completed.
To remove yellowing due to oxidation that is deep-seated, allow these areas to soak in SEA GLOW™ while exposed to bright sunlight.. You will notice that the yellowed areas turn pink and then, eventually, white. [ Note: This effect can accumulate over several days of daylight exposure. The changes will reverse if the items are stored for a week or more in the dark. However, because conditioner from the SEA GLOW™ is still present in the plastic, exposure to sunlight will again restore snowy whiteness].
To complete the process, neutralize the cleaning effects of SEA GLOW™ by wiping over with wet paper towel, then seal the surface with SILKENSEAL™ that will also eliminate any surface stickiness. One or two coats are recommended (air dry between coats). When completely cured, the surface may be lightly buffed with a soft cloth. On the tops of vinyl vents and fenders, an additional coat of MIRROR HARD Superglaze™ provides even greater resistance to weathering. It helps fill in surface pitting and provides an "as new" gloss while virtually eliminating return of gumminess. A new alternative to the use of MIRROR HARD™ is to use NON-SLIP Superglaze™ that is largely a water emulsion of the same resins.
Removal of Deep-seated Stains:
Deep stubborn stains from tar, creosote, marker pen and some pollutants irreversibly combine with the vinyl molecules. Also, deep-seated mildew cannot be removed by bleach. In this case, remove with acetone or MEK and then seal the surface with SILKENSEAL™ followed by a layer of MIRROR HARD™. This process should minimize re-occurrence of such stains.
Superficial Stains:
Stains (from newsprint, clothing etc) are only in the intermolecular spaces and can usually be dissolved out by repeated application of SEA GLOW™. Sealing the surface with SILKENSEAL™ (especially when followed by an outer coat of MIRROR HARD™ should minimize re-occurrence of such stains.
[Note: Old partially degraded vinyl , especially if it white or light-colored, may become pink/brown or purple when stored in the dark for extended periods, especially at high temperatures. This does not occur with new or completely sound vinyl that has not been sun-damaged. Nor does it occur with any other plastic material including hypalon. Color can be restored by re-cleaning (use SEA GLOW™ for white or bright colors) and exposing to daylight, especially bright sunlight].