NON-SLIP Superglaze™
EASY APPLICATION - USUALLY JUST ONCE PER SEASON: Shake bottle during application, rub into surface, while wiping off excess until dry. Then gently rinse with water and wipe off any residue with microfiber cloth).
PREVENTS STAINS & WEATHERING: Stops penetration by water, oil, paint, soot & boatyard grime.
UNDIMISHED GRIP WHEN WET: Many people claim that underfoot grip is increased!
PROTECTS AGAINST OXIDATION & MILDEW: Due to physical barrier & special additives.
EASIER CLEAN - UP: Bird or spider droppings, dust & grime removed by water jet with light brushing.
WILL NEVER YELLOW, CRACK OR PEEL: Even on smooth shiny surfaces
MANY USES: Forms a shiny protective coating on gelcoat or Lexan restored by ELIXIR™.
Seals soles of sports shoes against staining, especially after treating with SEA GLOW™. Retains any customer applied dye.

Just wipe on a few quick-drying coats for a glossy new surface that is resistant to stains and weathering but is NOT SLIPPERY IN THE WET.
Use on both textured or smooth boat decks, even shoe soles & plastics including lexan windows and headlamp lenses